Blockchain Solutions

Transform complex processes across different industries and lead the way for blockchain to enable reliable and instant procedures

Seeking to eliminate manual processes that are low-tech, unreliable and error-prone? Today’s businesses need a simple system that lowers operating costs.

That is why our platforms with the help of Blockchain offer a simple way to manage freight, fleet and invoice transactions, with flexible and instant payment solutions.

Our Solutions

The opportunities that have been identified with Blockchain in multiple sectors are immense, this technology is at the center of growth and is a catalyst for change.

The opportunities that have been opened with Blockchain in the different sectors are immense, this technology is at the center of growth and is a catalyst for change

We solve your need, where do you want to start?

Inventario Automatizado en Consignación

Automated Consignment Inventory

Manage all the traceability of your inventory digitally, scan product codes through an app, take control of billing electronically and instantly reduce human errors. Everything visible and controlled from a single platform that automates and keeps everything updated.

Área Jurídica y cumplimiento normativo

Smart Notaries

It optimizes the writing of trade reports. From the reception of documents with defined parameters in for people and properties, to the formalization of the final trade report. All backed by blockchain, eliminating human fraud and maintaining immutable records that generate trust and cost savings.


Save time and costs associated with KYC requirements by generating excellent experiences for your clients. Authenticate identities using a webcams, IOS or Android smartphone cameras and once the document has been scanned you and your clients will receive comments in less than 1 minute. Decrease the risk and fraud in online transactions.

Risk management

It mitigates the risk in money laundering and prevents fraud in the different contracts, carrying out an Onboarding process from the beginning to detect identities and the credit score in legal and natural persons.

Conocimiento del proveedor

Smart Contracts for fiduciary processes

Program digital agreements to be executed automatically using pre-settled parameters established between the parties. Improves the reliability and efficiency in records and also,, avoids fraud.

Virtual Official

Automate your repetitive processes with the help of a personalized bot that receives and centralizes quotes and / or invoices. Provide automatic responses as well as extract valuable information from documents. Increase productivity and efficiency in seconds. Learn More



Sell ​​your surplus energy intelligently and receive payments through the digital wallet. If you have solar panels and have a surplus of energy, you can trade it with third parties under blockchain technology. If you are an energy trading company, this is for you. Forget about paying the 4x 1000 by transferring payments to the power generators, with our digital wallet and a financial partner we help you to simplify the operation intelligently with factoring; transfer the resources to third parties and save the 4x1000.

Industries Serve

  • Insurance

  • Financial entities

  • Health Entities

  • Logistics

  • Gas and Oil

  • Public sector


  • Asset visibility
  • Instant Payments
  • Fraud prevention and increased trust
  • Smarter charging
  • Standardization and immutability
Strategic Allies

Representative of Roadlaunch and FactR in Latin America, leader in Blockchain and digital wallet technologies.

Experts in Open Source and management of Blockchain technologies.

IBM Business Partner | líder en el Cuadrante Mágico de Gartner

Over 100 years of experience, Patent Leader for 24 consecutive years and leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant.

They trust us